The smoke stack environmentalists
Part 1 of 2
I saw the smoke and was angry
I called my MP about the smoke
I sent a tweet about the call
I was mindful of the smoke
The smoke was steam hot air
From a nuclear electric generator
The electricity was used to make aluminum cans
Delivered in a truck with an aluminum block
In a store with aluminum window panes
To buy my beans in an aluminum can
My morning shower keeps me fresh
My water heated in aluminum pipes
My toothpaste from an aluminum tube
My aluminum framed bike a joy
My aluminum framed phone kept me woke.
I had to stop the steam
I protested wrote more letters
I stopped eating my beans
I stopped riding my bike
I stopped using my phone
The smoke continued
I had to do more
I was hungry, only eating free range beans
I gave away my bike my phone
I went hungry
I died
The steam continues.
The organized
Part 2 of 2
We saw the smoke
We ran for office
We won the vote
The smoke was steam hot air
From a nuclear electric generator
The electricity used by all of us
We were growing
we ignored the press
we had fewer children
we gave out condoms, pills and information
We educated all we could reach
We were fewer not more
We stopped our mad growth
We reuse our cans
We fix our trucks with an aluminum block
We still shop in a store with aluminum window panes
We bake our own beans
We still shower in the morning
We heat our water by the sun
We clean our teeth with toothpaste
My aluminum framed bike still a joy
My aluminum framed phone still keeps me broke
The steam has stopped
Not because i did more or less
Because We did the right things